PAYC Annual General Meeting
October 19th, 2019
Port Alberni
Attendance: Mike Nelson (Commodore), Norm Altmannshofer, Tamara Battie, Irene Brooks, Ken Brooks , Len Butler, Patti Butler, Brad Deighton, Kasandra Deighton, Lynn Donn, Maurice Donn, Brian Douillard, Megan Fleming, Dan Gallagher, Bill Goorts, Brenda Goorts, Joan Hall, Tom Hall, Chris Heryet, Andy Ilchuk, Terry Ilchuk, Elaine Lasota, Wendy Lukas, Dennis Morhen, Anne Nelson, Bill Nelson, Melanie Nelson, Mike Nelson, Al Olsen, Shelly Olsen, Darrin Olson, Gary Rosa, Nathan Savegnago, George Smith, Fran Smith, Julia Steele, Jeff Townsend, Tyler Townsend, Hans Vavrik, John Wilson
Called to order: 1:10pm
Adoption of agenda: 1st Bill N. 2nd Gary R. Carried
Previous minutes: May 19th, 2019
Accepted as circulated: 1st Elaine L. 2nd Patti B. Carried
Commodore’s Report: John
John thanked everyone for their support.
Darrin thanked John for his dedication, service and passion in promoting the club.
Treasurer’s Report: Wendy
Signing Officers
Current - Darrin Olson, Mike Nelson, & John Wilson
Motion: George Smith is to be added as a signing authority.
1st Wendy L. 2nd Brian D. Carried
Financial Statements reviewed
Motion: To accept. 1st George 2nd Ken Carried
Deadline for payment of annual dues
Motion: Annual dues must be paid by December 31st in the current year. 1st Wendy L. 2nd George S. Carried
$10,000 GIC expiring October 25, 2019
Reinvest in short term.
To spend $300.00 to thank our nonmember volunteers
Motion: To gift Karen Mallon $150 stipend for all her volunteer hours as bookkeeper & to gift Don & Dawne Mallon with a $150 gift card to Rim Rock for facilitating supply & delivery of supplies & services. 1st Tom H. 2nd Darrin O. Carried
Dues for newly sponsored members
Motion: All new members that are approved prior to August 15th must pay 100% of the current year’s dues & if approved after August 15th must pay 50% of the current year’s dues.
1st Wendy L. 2nd Gary R. Carried
Motion: To accept the 2019/2020 budget as presented.
1st George S. 2nd Lynn D. Carried
Secretary’s Report: Wendy
Resignation letter from Don & Dawne Mallon
Thank you notes from guest boats
Vancouver Boat Show February 5 – 9, 2020
Seattle Yacht Club (NORPAC) to visit club July 19th, 2020
Note: NORPAC will be using most of the dock space, the member picnic area & the member Bar-B-Qs.
Membership Report: Wendy
New Member application presented by Nathan S.
1st Nathan S. 2nd Wendy L. Carried.
New Members
There are now 34 active member boats. The cap is 40.
Alternative Membership Procedure discussed & remains the same.
Election of Officers & Directors - Tom
Commodore - Mike Nelson
Vice Commodore – Darrin Olson
Treasurer – George Smith
Rear Commodore – Nathan Savegnago
Secretary – Wendy Lukas
Fleet Captain – Tom Hall
Past Commodore – John Wilson
Directors at Large: Ken Brooks, Kassandra Deighton, Brian Douillard,
Bill Goorts, Ray Lasota, Al Olsen
Motion: To accept all nominations.
1st Darrin 2nd Wendy Elected by acclimation.
Fleet Captain’s report: Tom
Social aspects of the club a success.
New committee required to share the work & learn from the experiences of past committee members.
Fleet Captain Committee members are Joan H, Tom H, Patti B, Terry I, Meghan F, Julia Steele, & Shelly O
Building Committee Report: Brian
New building committee formed.
Building Committee members are:
Co-Chair: Brian Douillard & Bill Goorts
Members: Ken B, Dennis M, Len B, Nathan S, Darrin O, Mike N,
Maurice D, Brad D, Norm A
Sub- committees’ members are:
Electrical: Norm A & Ian
Water system & Dam: Len C & Norm C
Generator supplies, Freezers, fire pump & extinguishers: Gary R
Kitchen supplies: Joan H & Ken B
Anchor system: Tony L
BBQ & Camp stove: Tom H
Existing Dock maintenance: Ray L
Bunkhouse bookings: Megan F & Ken B
Paint: Ken B
New Ramps: Brian D, Dennis M, & Tony L
Landscaping: Irene B
Budget for all Sub-committees is $300. If there is larger expenditure, then it must be approved by the Building Committee.
May Work-bee: Majority of projects completed.
Fall shut down completed.
John thanked Nathan for building the guest outhouse. Much appreciated.
See building committee report attached with the AGM minutes.
Old Business
Storage Area – There are many abandoned items, rusty & broken traps, etc. in the storage area. Please identify your items to be kept as Nathan & Ken are spearheading a major cleanup of the area.
Logos & burgees - George Smith investigating.
New Business:
Bunkhouse bookings: Take a printed copy of your reservation to the club.
Bunkhouse Accommodations: General discussion on expanding accommodations of the bunkhouse. The Building Committee is to develop various ideas & budgets.
Shower Rates:
Motion: Showers will be free during work-bees. Members will pay $2 per shower & all guests will pay $4 per shower. 1st Gary 2nd George Carried
Bunkhouse Rates:
Motion: Bunkhouse rates are to be increased to $10 per adult. Children are free. No charge for members.
1st Darrin O 2nd Len Butler Carried
Day Use Visitors. Discussion. Agreed that each member decides whether to offer Day Use privileges to non-paying visitors based on how busy the dock is.
Motion: Day Use guests are to sign a guest book with their boat name & date. 1st Shelly o 2nd Brian D Carried
Flower Boxes & Rhodos
Planters & hanging baskets:
The dock’s flower boxes will be planted at the May weekend. All members are encouraged to water the planters as needed. It is very important to use the non-chlorinated water line that is hanging on the right wall of the shower shed.
Irene has been planting rhodos for members for more than 25 years. Unfortunately, due to increasingly dry summers, many rhodos are now struggling. If, in the future, if suitable land is made available, she will be happy to take orders from members who would like a rhodo planted on their behalf.
Largest fish caught by member Shelly Olsen. Congratulations.
Social – Meet & Greet dinner following meeting at the Butler’s house.
Thank you Patti & Len.
Xmas Party
Shelly & Al Olsen offered to host the Xmas Party
Joan will send an email asking for interest & ideas.
Meeting adjourned: 3:45 pm
Submitted by Wendy Lukas