PAYC General Meeting Minutes
Fleming Island, May 22, 2022
Attending: Mike Nelson, Darrin Olson, Will Goorts, Tom Hall, Joan Hall, Will Van Schagen, Rose Van Schagen, Bill Goorts, Brenda Goorts, Andrew Tuck, Jessica Tuck, Laurie Charnell, Cindy Hadley, Len Clarkson, Dennis Morehen, Gary Rosa, Craig Wiltse, Erika Ingram, Ken Brooks, Ray Lasota, Elaine Lasota, Terry Ilchuck, Andy Ilchuck
Call to Order: 2:04 p.m.
Agenda amended to reflect change of date to May 22.
MOTION – Accept agenda as amended 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried
Minutes of Previous meeting – October 23 2021 amended to reflect proper constitution of the Building Committee, added Will Goorts.
MOTION – Accept minutes as amended 1st Terry 2nd Brenda Carried
Commodore Report – Mike
Thanked everyone for coming down as sweat equity is what keeps the club going. A lot was accomplished and new docks look great.
Treasurer’s Report – Brenda
See documents attached. Early yet to look at revenue but finances look good.
Secretary’s Report – Cindy
• Salish Sea Pilot Cruising Guide PDF for approval – added no day use.
• Alberni Yachts consent to use name for business registration. Consent was given.
Membership Report – Cindy
• 40 boats currently members
• Resignations – Jake Townsend
• New members – Noah and Vicky Faustman, Brian and Susan Wright, Craig Wiltse and Erika Ingram, Julie and Chris Shepard
• 3 membership applications being held waiting availability
Formation of Membership Procedure Committee – Darin
It was felt that membership procedures be reviewed post covid and given the club is full with a wait list. Darin will chair a committee and send an email to solicit members. Andrew and Nathan have indicated they would be on the committee. Committee will make recommendations to the general membership at the AGM.
Guidelines for Community Living – Cindy
Updated to reflect not being able to burn garbage. Copy will be in clubhouse and circulated to all members.
Greeting Visitor Boats – Cindy
A “script” was drafted, final version attached to help new members feel comfortable greeting boats and ensure everyone is saying the same thing. Laminated copies will be in the clubhouse.
Building Committee Report – Bill
Bill provided an updated maintenance schedule (attached). Meant as a guideline only.
New docks (section B) have been completed with many thanks to those who helped at the building work bee and the installation this weekend.
Next year, if funds are available would replace section C ($9,000) and section D ($15,000) possibly widening the docks to 8 feet instead of 6.
New hot water tank is installed.
Repairs to clubhouse will take place late June to early July. There won’t be a big work bee as work will be done slowly, without disruption, throughout the summer. Materials are in town and will be shipped out later in June.
Electrical. Thank you to the group who installed the new generator. The old generator has been moved back into the shed. Dennis and Laurie will refurbish the old generator so it can serve as a back-up.
Power Distribution Upon completion of the cabling and power boxes on the docks it was found that there was an imbalance in load distribution between the 6 stations. The 6 stations are now all the same, with 20 amp service. It is requested that no changes are made to this without the approval of the building committee.
Outhouse Nathan is not able to build. Bill will get remaining materials to have at the club for a future build.
MOTION to accept the building committee report as presented. 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried
Darrin also congratulated the Generator crew and Bill for coordinating all the other builds.
Fleet Captain – Andrew
Andrew thanked Joan Hall for all her guidance and Jessica for her assistance. Suggested people email any suggestions for improvement next year.
Mike thanked Tom and Joan for their service over the years as well as Ken and Irene.
Covid Guidelines – Darrin
Rapid tests are available in the clubhouse. If you feel unwell while at the club please test yourself. If you feel unwell before you come, simply don’t come.
New Business
• New Dock has a pole for hanging baskets. Craig and Erika volunteered to bring some down. Irene was thanked for all her years of gardening service.
• Bunkhouse Bookings – will remain at two rooms each. Please book the smallest room possible and we should look at ladders for some of the bunks. Bookings will only be taken between April and September.
• Garbage – Discussion about need for garbage storage before it can be taken to town. Brenda will look into Garbage cans. Everyone is encouraged to take a bag of garbage with them when they leave.
• Flag Pole the flag pole is rotting and the bottom. Bill, Laurie and Darrin are going to see if a replacement can be found in town.
• Contact List – please check that your information is correct and if replying all to an email please try to use one that Cindy has sent to ensure most current information is used.
• Council of B.C. Yacht Clubs – Brenda pointed out that we used to be a member but haven’t paid the dues in a few years. MOTION The $65 dues to the Council of B.C. Yacht Clubs be paid. 1st Joan 2nd Len Carried
MOTION – Meeting be adjourned 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried
Fleming Island, May 22, 2022
Attending: Mike Nelson, Darrin Olson, Will Goorts, Tom Hall, Joan Hall, Will Van Schagen, Rose Van Schagen, Bill Goorts, Brenda Goorts, Andrew Tuck, Jessica Tuck, Laurie Charnell, Cindy Hadley, Len Clarkson, Dennis Morehen, Gary Rosa, Craig Wiltse, Erika Ingram, Ken Brooks, Ray Lasota, Elaine Lasota, Terry Ilchuck, Andy Ilchuck
Call to Order: 2:04 p.m.
Agenda amended to reflect change of date to May 22.
MOTION – Accept agenda as amended 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried
Minutes of Previous meeting – October 23 2021 amended to reflect proper constitution of the Building Committee, added Will Goorts.
MOTION – Accept minutes as amended 1st Terry 2nd Brenda Carried
Commodore Report – Mike
Thanked everyone for coming down as sweat equity is what keeps the club going. A lot was accomplished and new docks look great.
Treasurer’s Report – Brenda
See documents attached. Early yet to look at revenue but finances look good.
Secretary’s Report – Cindy
• Salish Sea Pilot Cruising Guide PDF for approval – added no day use.
• Alberni Yachts consent to use name for business registration. Consent was given.
Membership Report – Cindy
• 40 boats currently members
• Resignations – Jake Townsend
• New members – Noah and Vicky Faustman, Brian and Susan Wright, Craig Wiltse and Erika Ingram, Julie and Chris Shepard
• 3 membership applications being held waiting availability
Formation of Membership Procedure Committee – Darin
It was felt that membership procedures be reviewed post covid and given the club is full with a wait list. Darin will chair a committee and send an email to solicit members. Andrew and Nathan have indicated they would be on the committee. Committee will make recommendations to the general membership at the AGM.
Guidelines for Community Living – Cindy
Updated to reflect not being able to burn garbage. Copy will be in clubhouse and circulated to all members.
Greeting Visitor Boats – Cindy
A “script” was drafted, final version attached to help new members feel comfortable greeting boats and ensure everyone is saying the same thing. Laminated copies will be in the clubhouse.
Building Committee Report – Bill
Bill provided an updated maintenance schedule (attached). Meant as a guideline only.
New docks (section B) have been completed with many thanks to those who helped at the building work bee and the installation this weekend.
Next year, if funds are available would replace section C ($9,000) and section D ($15,000) possibly widening the docks to 8 feet instead of 6.
New hot water tank is installed.
Repairs to clubhouse will take place late June to early July. There won’t be a big work bee as work will be done slowly, without disruption, throughout the summer. Materials are in town and will be shipped out later in June.
Electrical. Thank you to the group who installed the new generator. The old generator has been moved back into the shed. Dennis and Laurie will refurbish the old generator so it can serve as a back-up.
Power Distribution Upon completion of the cabling and power boxes on the docks it was found that there was an imbalance in load distribution between the 6 stations. The 6 stations are now all the same, with 20 amp service. It is requested that no changes are made to this without the approval of the building committee.
Outhouse Nathan is not able to build. Bill will get remaining materials to have at the club for a future build.
MOTION to accept the building committee report as presented. 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried
Darrin also congratulated the Generator crew and Bill for coordinating all the other builds.
Fleet Captain – Andrew
Andrew thanked Joan Hall for all her guidance and Jessica for her assistance. Suggested people email any suggestions for improvement next year.
Mike thanked Tom and Joan for their service over the years as well as Ken and Irene.
Covid Guidelines – Darrin
Rapid tests are available in the clubhouse. If you feel unwell while at the club please test yourself. If you feel unwell before you come, simply don’t come.
New Business
• New Dock has a pole for hanging baskets. Craig and Erika volunteered to bring some down. Irene was thanked for all her years of gardening service.
• Bunkhouse Bookings – will remain at two rooms each. Please book the smallest room possible and we should look at ladders for some of the bunks. Bookings will only be taken between April and September.
• Garbage – Discussion about need for garbage storage before it can be taken to town. Brenda will look into Garbage cans. Everyone is encouraged to take a bag of garbage with them when they leave.
• Flag Pole the flag pole is rotting and the bottom. Bill, Laurie and Darrin are going to see if a replacement can be found in town.
• Contact List – please check that your information is correct and if replying all to an email please try to use one that Cindy has sent to ensure most current information is used.
• Council of B.C. Yacht Clubs – Brenda pointed out that we used to be a member but haven’t paid the dues in a few years. MOTION The $65 dues to the Council of B.C. Yacht Clubs be paid. 1st Joan 2nd Len Carried
MOTION – Meeting be adjourned 1st Andrew 2nd Len Carried